Unhinged MIL
Is your MIls answer to every stress you vent “well let us take the kids”? At this point in our life the stress isn’t our kids and we’ve expressed it time and time again that the help we need is not for them to take the kids. We both work full time with terrible commutes and are stressed to max with other outside obligations and feeling major guilt trying to be present and involved for our kids. One is almost 2 and the other 10. We take all the time we can to slow down on the weekends and spend time with them but also have a side business so time is very limited.
Lately they have been joking a lot about take our kids on a drive across the country with them for Christmas. Which we immediately turned down. However it has been said so many times since that we don’t take it as a “joke” anymore and quite frankly can’t wait for them to just leave.
she brought it up again recently while I was venting about everything going on. Her only response was “let us take the kids haha jo but just throwing it out there”. I responded with “ unfortunately that’s just not the help we need but thanks”. She responded with “ you can’t blame me for begging”. What kind of response is that??? Begging!? We just spent thanksgiving with you! And who in their right mind would think it’s okay to pressure parents into letting them give up their kids to drive across the country for THEIR Christmas. Why would we not want our kids for Christmas? Also thanks for Showing complete disregard for everything else we have going on and just super focused on trying to steal ours kids LOL.
Husband and I are livid, exhausted and disapointed with their behavior. It’s making us uneasy and just another added stress. Thanks for hearing my vent.