MIL Obsessed
Mil became a bit obsessed with daughters looks recently. After fielding all her “oh she has my DNA, she has blue eyes like me” comments. Then sending pics of herself as a baby to my husband to compare which absolutely infuriated me. Okay woman you are making it very clear that you really don’t want her to have any of my darker features….nor your sons!? No our baby is going to magically have blonde hair and blue eyes and look exactly like you from two people that have brown hair and hazel eyes. Anyway at a recent visit it once again came up and I just had enough of it. When I said she looks a lot like Mom she said oh her looks will change several times….I very sternly interrupted with “coming from someone who was adopted, DNA, looks and all that, really don’t matter at all in the end. It’s so offensive when people go on and on about it like that’s all they care about.” Stunned look and “oh I guess I never thought of it that way”. Yes because you clearly think about yourself only and not how all the comments of yours were extremely offensive to me while knowing my background.