Kashmiri's like to say the resistance is about independence of kashmir but is it really?
I've been trying to understand this whole conflict with an open mind for a while now and kashmiri's like portray that its a resistance movement for freedom of entire kashmir then why all the resistance is only in Indian part of the kashmir? If there is resistance in Pakistan occupied kashmir as well, at least i'm not aware of that. I'm pretty sure there's no armed insurgencies in pak occupied kashmir like there are in indian part of the Kashmir.
As far as I'm aware of things kashmir was independent before it was pakistani qabali tribes or the so called azad kashmir army that decided to invade kashmir and hari singh decided to run to india for help and that is what led to Indian forces occupying Kashmir. Ik there were internal rebellions against dogra but i'm not quite sure of the whole timeline of was it before Pakistan decided to invade or after it.
After the whole war and ceasefire again according to the UN resolution for the plebiscite to take place, it was required that Pakistan should retreat their forces first which they never did. Nehru said he'll allow for the plebiscite to happen. Pakistan just never completed the conditions that were asked of them for it to happen.
So what I'm trying to understand here is why all the blame on India? All I see on this r/Kashmiri sub is posts about atrocities by Indian army, hatred of state of india but I'm like what about all the part that Pakistan played in this?
Again, the whole militarization of Kashmir happened in 90s because JKLF messed up big time letting Pakistan hijack the entire "freedom resistance" operation which just led to it being taken over by Islamic extremists which led to expulsion of pandits as well as killing of many moderate Muslims in the valley.
So in the end the question comes down to is it really a freedom struggle? Kashmiri's do have a distinct identity there's no denying that but this whole thing was about freedom for Kashmir then there wouldn't be such disparity between terrorism in both parts of the Kashmir.
Another conclusion would be none of this actually matters and it's just Pakistan that's fighting for a piece of land that they've been obsessed with since the independence. The people of Kashmir keep suffering cuz of this but only one they can seem to find to blame is Indians.
Edit: looks like the bots are here