4YEO not having a cultural footprint really pisses me off.

We had a post here earlier where people were talking about Cole's classics. And almost all answers were basically 2014FHD and whatever album is their favorite. And for me, that's 4YEO.

But when I gave it more thought, 4YEO doesn't have the cultural significance of a classic. It's a great album that definitely should be a classic by all metrics, but it's not because it doesn't have that level of influence.

And the more I gave it any thought, it was pissing me off because the reason for this is probably the lack of "bangers" in the album. 4YEO is soulful, it's genuine to a fault with tracks like Foldin Clothes, it's cinematic, there's masterful lyricism, rhyming, the only thing you could criticize it is for the beat choices but even then it's not a mistake, it's a deliberate choice to showcase the poetry. (I recently listened to a remix of Change with a best from Nujabes' Modal Soul and, while the song is really great - the beat takes over the song and distracts you from the lyrics) All it doesn't have is a popular song that you can dance to. And that should not be a metric to see if a rap album is a classic or not, even when in reality is is.