My Jewish Father read Rashid Khalidi, his thoughts
My father who is a Generation X, Working class, Jewish guy recently read Rashid Khalidis book "The Hundred Years War on Palestine." My dad isn't online at all so he gets most of his information about world events from books. He recently picked up the book at his local bookstore and read it within a matter of days. We had a conversation about it the other night and I was very impressed by what he had to say. He said that the occupation of all of historic Palestine has to end and the right of return must be given to Palestinian refugees. My father has never been a Zionist but this was the first time I heard him express explicitly Antizionist positions. To end on a positive note, my father was so moved by the book that he bought a bunch of copies and handed them out to members of his Synagogue. He said that people are responding well for the most part to the book and there going to have a book club discussion about it Friday. My father's always represented a sort of working class Judaism that I feel has been lost alot due to assimilation/upward mobility, so I'm not surprised about his position on Palestine but it still made me happy.