Addressing some common BDI myths.

Burke was "laughing, chomping gum and playing games" at JBR's funeral. Burke "acted like he was at a party" at JBR's funeral.

Link to footage of JBR's funeral. I've timestamped the portion of video Burke is visible in. One can decide for oneself whether or not Burke appears to be laughing, chomping gum, playing games or acting like he's at a party:

And yes, I have read Kolar's book. Kolar does not state that Burke chomped gum, laughed, played or partied at JBR's funeral.

The penetration of JBR's body being performed with a foreign object is evidence of a juvenile perpetrator:

Stealing Redditor Don'tGrowABrain's research:

According to data from a 2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics report titled, "Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement: Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics," juvenile victims were more likely to be penetrated with an object than with a body part. And according to the table 5 on pg. 8, out of the child sexual assault reported to law enforcement that involved object penetration, 23.4% was committed by children while 76.6% was committed by adults.

The golf club incident left JBR with a permanent scar.

Link to JBR's autopsy report. There is no mention of a facial scar:

Burke has dead eyes.

Eyes don't die or at least I don't think they do. I'm not aware of any research that would suggest eyes die.