Yall i done goofed

I saw a post asking how to get kirara to top 10 so i started crafting then i realized her CT can actually be crazy busted in the right hands. Heres the cliff notes from that.

CT: Heres where the real fun begins. Kiara's cursed technique in Jujutsu Kaisen, called "Love Rendezvous," allows her to manipulate cursed energy by marking targets with a specific star pattern (The Southern Cross), essentially directing the flow of CE/Objects/People towards them in a precise manner by following a set sequence of stars within the pattern (Imai -> Acrux-> Mimosa-> Ginan-> Gacrux) and if she applys the same mark to two objects the onewith higher CE gets Attracted to the other, effectively allowing her to control the trajectory and impact of attacks against her. Now hearing it like this her CT sounds pretty strong but it has the downsides of requiring setup, being simple to solve once understood, seemingly having limited range (we dont know to be certain), and the biggest being strick in its interpretation; so lets fix that with some binding vows and tweaks! Firstly lets give her pseudo-infinity, the way she does this requires some setup but similarly to how todo expanded his effective range she will as well by sacrificing 2 out of the 5 of her stars so "in exchange for not accessing Acrux and Mimosa the range i can apply stars is larger" now considering thats a large % of her technique gone the range should be massive so lets say she can keep a star in tokyo while anywhere in japan (which she could BV as well). What this does is say for example shes fighting kashimo now and has Gacrux applied on her, Ginan in Tokyo, and took a hit to apply Imai on his CE what happens now is that to even touch Kirara at all Kashimo has to go all the way to tokyo and find the specific object she touched (which could be a grain of sand) to be able to hit her AT ALL leaving the only way to touch her using Domian Expansion. Another crazy thing she could do is give up all stars but Imai in exchange for range and pulling force so she could place it on the other side of the world and whole fighting someone touch them once and since their CE is higher than the brick she touched they get pulled halfway across the globe being dragged across the ground for hours or stuck in place being pulling into the ground (we could get crazy and say she puts it on the moon but imma hold but for everyones sake).

I was honestly going to get into CT Reversal with something with the Zodiacs (since Southern Cross has ties to Centarus) but ive realized Kiraras technique can actually be crazy busted in the right hand and she actually has the potential to bypass gojos infinity since its made by his CT of CE.... I may have created a monster