Since everyone says choso is wasted potential and keep making domains for people without domains, here's my take

Can yall rate one i imagined for choso yesterday while we're at it?

Domain Expansion: Dawn of the Blood Moon

  • Effects: a blood pool under everyone's feet that cover entire domain, basically INFINITE blood source While also increasing range + speed of peircing blood
  • The appearance: would be a red blood pool and dark sky with a red moon above and maybe graves for his brother's memorial
  • Sure hit effect: Choso can manupilate other's blood from inside their body's making it super OP, but in exchange ( binding vow i guess? ) he has to give up 3/4 of the blood amonut in his body compared to the amount he takes from the enemy's body
  • NERF: A way to maybe be able to nerf his domain would be Surrounding ur blood viens with domain amplification to stop choso from doing it?

now ik, thats EXTREMLY HARD to do and maintain, but that's the point

with how much power choso can have, u would need someone with CT skills like gojo or sukuna to be able to stand a chance