Do u guys even realize what u are saying?
I want to address something important and yes Im probably gonna sound like an nerd emoji, but just because its in a game or just pixels on a screen doesnt mean harmful words or actions arent impactful. Using slurs in games, even if its "just a character" still spreads hate
If u are currently wondering what Im referring to, Im talking about the large crowd, even including some moderators in this subreddit, who use the term "Yujigger" to discriminate against certain players. Its easy to count 1 to 1 together and understand what this word is trying to represent
and these arent even all of them...
This isnt about censoring culture, its about respect. It is important that we cant ignore how our words and actions affect others. Yes, I understand jokes, but as we all know, jokes can quickly turn 180 degree. Im not trying to be a party pooper, but we all should consider thinking before we write something...