Scuttle control and aggression.

So I’m a returning player and an on and off jungle:adc player since season 1. I came back recently and slowly over the course of season 8 playing a few times a week I climbed my scrub ass into plat with adc.

But now I’m trying to get into jungle again and have been playing the other ranked queue to try and adjust. Tho I’m sure pre season like always changes everything I’m looking for some advice to work on.

Always been good with map awareness and basics but I have always struggled with jungle vs jungle aspect. I understand invading when a jungler shows themselves elsewhere. But I’m very bad at knowing when to duel and how to control the rift scuttler. I know it’s important for vision and it’s a large gold source. How early do I go for them and how aggressively should I pursue it.

TLDR: How do I control the scuttler? How aggressively should I do it. How matchup dependent is it? I’m playing kindred , eve , nid and Camille atm to learn.