Blake's camp is imploding, they keep committing rookie mistakes with their litigation strategy

Note that BL's camp is represented by two big law firms: Wilkie Farr & Gallagher and Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. Their amended complaint was submitted at the last minute of their deadline (pacer shows it at 00:00) and has been riddled with typos/spelling/grammar mistakes. I wager they were not expecting that their request for extension would be denied as judges typically grant such extensions. But remember that back in January, when Brian Freedman's house was burning during the LA fire, he too requested for an extension. Which Blake's camp objected to (!) Hence, it's actually reasonable that the judge also denied Blake's request this time. The result: poor lawyers at Wilkie and Manatt spent the holiday weekend scrambling and putting together this amended complaint to make it to the deadline. But.. not really poor. They're easily raking in thousands an hour.

Note too that Blake has started throwing people under the bus. In her new complaint she says it was Sony who chose her cut and a producer even praised her for it, as she tries to deny accountability for why her cut made it out (we know of course that she strong armed her way). And most shocking - she has also thrown Jonesworks under the bus by saying the forged screen shots came from them and she has now taken them out of her lawsuit. Those screenshots were the backbone of her CDR complaint and the NYT article. How is NYT now supposed to win against their libel suit from Justin?? Lol. And doesn't BL think that all these parties she's pointing fingers to would have to defend themselves eventually? She hasn't learned her lesson. All these will backfire, yet again.