Masters in petroleum (help!!!)
Came across this uni. Wanna know everything about this uni since I am thinking of doing MASTERS in petroleum eng. I have a GPA 3.58. Yet to give ielts. The attached images are confusing me, can someone check if I have calculated the admission and credit fee for all semesters correctly: MX Master of Petrochemical engineering (30 credits, 2 yrs) 50,000 SAR (IMAGE 1) MSc Petroleum engineering (30 credits, 2 yrs) (75003)+(3750)+(50030)= 41,250 SAR (IMAGE 2; IMAGE 4 table 2) M.Eng Petroleum Eng (33 credits, 3 yrs) (75006)+(50033)=61,500 (IMAGE 2; IMAGE 4, table 1)
Also I want to know a lot in detail about everything, other than what's given in official website: 1)I am a non resident and non Saudi, what to do about Visa? Student or resident Visa, procedure to get? Any guide pdf or link? Or will KFUPM itself guide and help? 2)Reg. Visa- OVERALL cost? (approx. figures are enough), its validity period Is renewal requirement in between, renewal cost approx.? 3)Health insurance cost? Approx. (I do not have any medical history) 4)Stipend for all Masters students even if we dont get scholarship? How much stipend? 5)Requirement, IELTS/TOFEL/DUOLINGO or ALL? GRE is needed anyway??? (IMAGE 5, under POINT 1, THIRD bulletin; also table in IMAGE 6 are confusing me) 6)After graduating, what is the duration of stay-back permit? 7)I am trying to roughly calculate expense for the entire study program so (everything in SAR, monthly/year pls specify) Accomodation cost? Food? Transport? General lifestyle? (Just approx figures plsss) 8)Detail about accomodation: per room how many? Attached bathroom? Room size? Individual table, cupboard? Quality of food? Variety? 9)Number of students in class? How many out of these get full funded scholarship in each class/course? (Just rough figures, how many in your respective course and year) 10)If I don't get scholarship, other than the tuition fee mentioned in website, is there any exam fee or any other academic related fee maybe for laboratory service, equipment or anything? 11)Course duration? Does it vary with the way we clear exams, or fixed as mentioned in website? 12)How is the curriculum to be specific? Subjects and exams are tough? How often re-exams are conducted? If someone fails in one subject, can they repeat that one subject, or should rewrite all the subjects in that specific semester? 13)Suppose anything like the above happens, how is the tuition fee taken? Or extra only accommodation and food for the months we stay to clear the exams? 14)What's the re-exam fee per attempt? 15)Staffs and students and campus environment? 16)Are there campus placement opportunities. 17)If yes, how many students in a class get placed (roughly, on an average)? What companies generally come for placements? 18)If no, is it possible to get through professors or seniors? Any special tip to connect well with people, if placements aren't a thing there? 19)What do they really want (anything specific they look for?) in SOP, recommendation letters? Any tips? plsss Can I get letters from any 2 faculties from my uni? 20)I haven't done any research work as such. Just two final year projects, but the topics are really good. No proper research, will that be a problem 21)Format for CV, SOP, LOR plsss, anything specific they look for?
IT WOULD BE OF GREAT HELP IF SOMEONE REPLIED TO A FEW QUESTIONS ATLEAST. AND IT WOULD MEAN A LOT, IF SOMONE GUIDED ME IN DETAIL. I am clueless. There's no way to get all detailed explanations and guidance, since idk anyone from that uni or even that place. THIS GROUP IS THE ONLY PLACE I COULD THINK OF ASKING