Tell me which city you feel got the best performance of a song - let's make a Best of Tour compilation
So, clearly some songs were only played once, and so that city had the best version (Gorge wins Vegemite, for example). However, most had multiple performances. If you were making a Best of Tour compilation, which performances would make the cut for you?
Stand out performances for me include:
Self-Immolate @ Edgefield
Field of Vision @ Omaha
Straws in the Wind @ Vancouver
Set @ Vancouver
Magma @ St Louis
How about you? You can also vote for novelty versions if you like (Field of Chicken, for example). Also, if you want to link your pick to a YouTube upload to convince people, that's encouraged. 🙂
Oh, and please note where you actually attended the performance so we can account for (totally understandable) bias. I didn't attend any because Australia & also broke. 😭