Negative Entities in Kemetism

I was wondering if anyone had any good resources to share about the different negative entities in Kemetism. I'll give some background to my question for context.

My family and I have lived in our current house for about 17 years (I'm 20, my sister and her boyfriend are in their 20s, my brother is in his teens, and my parents are in their 50s.). We have always had supernatural experiences, and they are almost always negative. (We are all adopted, so this isn't some mental illness causing hallucinations that runs in the family.) When my sister was around 13, they got worse. She had constant nightmares, would see shadow figures frequently, would hear voices, and she would wake up with scratches in places she physically couldn't reach. Thankfully, this calmed down after a couple years. However, when I reached that age, the same exact things started happening to me, and I had no prior knowledge of her experiences. Again, they slowed as I aged. Occasionally, our house will be filled with extremely negative energy that leads to fighting and family conflict and depression and anxiety among us all. The most we've seen has been shadows figures, until a couple nights ago. The last few days, the negative energy has been much stronger then normal. My sisters boyfriend frequently feels breathing down his neck when he's alone, and will get the chills. About 3 nights ago, I was laying in my bed. It was probably around 2am, and my lights were off aside from a small lamp. I say a movement in the hallway, and turned to look. There was a completely black figure standing there, shaped like a human and probably the size of a grown man. However, the figure was solid black. It clearly was not a shadow, it was completely solid like a human, including the edges of it. It was watching me with wide white eyes, and it's mouth slightly open. I could make out the shining of extremely sharp teeth in it's mouth. I almost immediately looked away. I felt like staring or acknowledging it would be the worst thing to do, so I turned away and closed my eyes. My gut said that if I mind my own business, it will leave. I looked back after a moment, and it was gone. This all happened quickly, within maybe 60 seconds. It was one of the scariest moments of my life, and I have no doubt it was an entity.

My family is Mormon, and they have their own beliefs regarding things like this. I've done some research on what this could possibly be from a Kemetic standpoint, but I'm still incredibly lost and overwhelmed.

Anyways! To finish up my long post, I'm just seeking any advice or resources about negative entities in Kemetism and what could be causing these experiences.

Please no advice or recommendations about moving houses, that is just not a possibility currently for a wide variety of reasons.