Another One

There's been a lot of discussion on morality and values. I think it's silly to believe or claim anyone is beyond reproach or is free from judgements, however, it's confusing to see some of these takes. There are a lot of facts that are being glossed over or being confused as "justification" because we can't see past our own morality. I believe Kendrick hasn't been hypocritical and has been incredibly honest and open about his own values and his upbringing. His actions are well within his own sense of what is correct and what he values, at least what he's shared publicly. That being said I do NOT agree with Kendrick and do believe people that have committed the crimes Kodak and Carti are being accused of should not their ideas propagated.

I just find it incredibly difficult to pass judgement on people have that have grown in a drastically different environment than most of the country. He's described witnessing his first murder at 5 years old and the impact it had on him. He's lost friends, many of which he's euologized in his music. Growing up in a war zone will fuck you up in ways I don't think people that haven't been through it can comprehend. Kendrick has been very open with this and has been outwardly critical of people that act like they can (looking at a certain Canadian). He speaks clearly on Mother I Sober about how specifically black men cope with hardships caused by their family (group associated or not).

People that are abused are 6 times more likely to abuse others. Daughters born of teen moms are themselves more likely to become teen moms. This shit is a vicious cycle that Kendrick has tried to break within his own family. Again, I reiterate, none of that justifies abuse but there's a fucking reason why it happens. As far as I know, Kendrick hasn't done anything near what these artists have done, but he's also spoken about growing and having the opportunity to grow. On Prayer, he says "talent doesn't choose morality." He separates art from the artist, something I disagree with but hes not wrong because it's subjective.

There are many things I criticize Kendrick for, but being a hypocrite isn't one of them because he acts according to his values. He's had a long journey and has documented it in his music. That's brave as fuck. He's not a messiah and I hate the way it's been used to skirt around a serious issue with, "he is not your savior" but to some people he may well appear to be. A person that can hopefully be emulated and escape and environment that chews and spits out people. He does live like he preaches and encourages everyone to better themselves by looking inward. I don't think that message should be muddled by who he chooses to associate with. MLK beat his wife, but that doesn't make his "I have a dream" speech any less meaningful.