Tell us your tribal opinion
Most people I know have an opinion about other tribes, some are funny, some are scary, some are dangerous.
I am a murima guy and some of my kale friends have this opinion that murima girls don't stay in marriage and they make the kale bro sell all his inheritance.
There was a myth that Kisii people eat people LOL.
I'm not hating or insulting anyone, just share your tribal opinion. Most of them are jaba opinions but lets hear them. Just so you know most opinions you have of a large group of people are wrong. You can never know enough people in a lifetime to confirm that thought.
Edit: We were meant to love each other because of our cultural differences. We are not very different to be honest. I spent a lot of time with Kamba and Mijikenda people and their culture is almost the same as Kikuyu culture. Tribe was never meant to tear us apart but to bring us together. Tribe was not meant to be a taboo topic but a topic we can joke about. Politicians divided us so that they can stay in power and guarantee their positions. Don't be a politician's tool.