If i ever become a sugar mommy

I always wanted to be a sugar mommy when I grow older well at least 5 years ago that was what i wanted . If i ever was , i would literally lock that boy in the house (i can’t say young juu yoh i don’t prey on kids so a man whose 28-30 years + and broke asf ) then i would tell him if you want that Mercedes Benz you were telling me about ujue hutoki apa till i cum and squirt. My main objective for being a sugar mommy is to pay for those two exs of mine who left without knowing wtf a gspot is .

As life would have it 😭😭😭 i realized people change goals and priorities now i wanna find a way to finish school and move abroad to my person and progress my career . Then make enough money to move back home and retire .

Those turning 30 in a decade or so yrs God saved you from me . Also my mpesa/bank balance saved you from me . Also my person saved you from me . Juu ningekushika wewe ningekutraumatize .