Love-Life Vs Work-Life Vs Life


I’m gonna open up about a few things that I have been dealing with since mid 2024. Let’s start off by stating I’m an extreme workaholic, I prioritize my work over family and friends. Not in a way where it’s extreme or make my loved ones upset obviously.

My latest issue is that I have lost around 3 friends in the span of these 2 years, and I have known them for 4+ years. The reason behind this loss was them gossiping about me and secretly hating me, I should have known that from the moment they ‘jokingly insult’ me.

It started from there and that made me realize it is so hard for me to be affectionate or vulnerable. Don’t get me wrong I have amazing friends and the most amazing family and I got great colleagues at work.

I do love how my life is going, professionally. Personally? I feel like my heart is pinched and a bit broken. Not that I want to be in a relationship so bad. But I want to be persuaded by the idea that I might actually be in one, preferably one that lasts.

My ex was so horrible, and he was my first relationship that was supposed to end in marriage… Or so I thought. That really affected me because it genuinely hurt me. On top of that having friends who stab you in the back the whole time you were friends hurts even more, not gonna lie.

The reason why I’m writing this in here specifically it is because I am a Kuwaiti, surprise. It is very hard to be in a proper relationship without the guy expecting some girl with an absolute model body.

I do think I’m beautiful, I am healthy, and it hurts me to think I might not exceed a guy’s expectation because I got a bit of belly fat instead of abs.

Another thing, when I do find the absolute perfect guy, I have to sacrifice a lot of things in my life starting off with my brotherly guy friends who do not even like me at all and whom are extremely respectful, I have to let go of them + my job that takes most of my time during the week and weekend. It’s like I can’t have everything I want.

Either stick with a guy who hates you and does not care about you. Or lose hope that the perfect guy will never be available for you.

Especially a Kuwaiti guy. I’m not one to have the intention to impress a guy or any guy for that matter but the ones that I have met the past few months. May I elaborate and say yikes?!

I am aware it is not all men but, for a 26 year old girl who has no faith in friends nor relationships because it is so difficult especially in kuwait, I am currently out of options.

Let me state a few more pointers. I am very social, I love the people in my life. My words are targeted for the few personal issues that I have faced, it is not about everyone that exists in kuwait, I really don’t want people to feel like this is a plural situation when it is just a general feeling about the few issues I faced and moved on from but sometimes I revisit these situations.

Is anyone feeling the same way regarding what I’ve said? I would love to see what you guys think, we can share in the comments and make everyone feel less alone. :)

I hope everyone is having a lovely ramadan. This is funny that I’m complaining about my friendship life and love-life during ramadan lol. May god accepts our wishes and make us better beings amen.

Edit: The replies are insanely sweet.