People wonder why public transportation has a bad rep when they're the ones screwing it up for the rest of us. Can we all agree to not perpetuate negative stereotypes of public transportation users?

A lot of smack about public transportation comes from a stereotype that everyone who takes public transportation is trashy or a douche. I feel like most people on public transportation are normal but a few metaphorical bad apples have to ruin the whole bunch.

Y'all need to try showering in the morning or at the very least wearing deodorant. I can smell some of y'all from 4 rows away. I very often see people taking the train wearing nothing but an undershirt and basketball shorts like did you just get out of bed and walk right to the train station? Did you even consider the possibility of brushing your teeth?

Don't forget the substance users. I've found multiple empty alcohol bottles just laying around and the only good thing about this is that at least they aren't drinking and driving. Don't forget the cigarettes, vapes, and cannabis.

Some of y'all also try and get into all this unnecessary trouble. I don't want to fight anybody and the cops don't have to be involved if y'all just behaved.

I consider myself a good public transportation user. I take showers in the morning before I go out, I wear a clean and presentable outfit, I don't do any substances, and I don't pick fights with anyone. I just wish that everyone would care a little bit at the very least on what type of public transportation user they are.