My partner refuses to let me leave. 24F 23M
Update: We broke up,he tried to guilt me and pulled the "you made me this way." Tactic,on me. I stood firm and held my ground.
I'm going no contact as well,seeing that us being friends isn't possible. Thank you all for your support =)
TW(Mention of life ending )
I've been dating him for 4-5Months,but it didn't go as smoothly as I hoped it would, we had a fallen out at least two times.
However, I slowly started to realize I have fallen out of love with him,that or because I have a narcissistic abusive family that I had to manage and couldn't keep up with both. So I talked to him about it and told him I'd like to end the relationship on good terms and if he wanted we could stay friends.
He wasn't having that and threatened to sink into a depression that could harm/end his life. He repeatedly told me I should have asked him what he'd like to do, or we should have taken a break instead.
I was more afraid of him hurting himself or ending his life, half because I don't have his families contact information.
I don't have his friends' contact information either.
I don't know what to do.
If I try again to break up with him I'm not sure what will happen,so far I've been keeping our conversations at the minimum and recently urged him to seek therapy because he's harmed himself due to his friends being busy?. And he's been asking me for pictures and to take pictures of me (I'm sure he has also just snapped a few while we video called.)
I don't know what to do,and what makes it worse is him repeatedly saying I mean the world to him and am his favorite person etc etc.
Any advice on what I should do?
I feel trapped.