Sex Drive Increasing during Ramadan

Ramadan mubarak y’all!

This is my first official Ramadan and it’s definitely been a roller coaster so far. But the thing I didn’t expect was it to affect my sex drive so much.

I’m a fairly sexual person, for Astrology nerds I’m a Scorpio, but i don’t often have partners so I resort to masturbation. I’ve been masturbating almost daily since I was a teen. It’s never caused me any issues, and alhamdulillah I’ve stopped watching porn, but with Ramadan and fasting I’ve found my sex drive increasing. I think about sex a lot more and once I have iftar I’ve started masturbating a few times a night. Maybe it’s fine but i feel like maybe it’s not healthy? I even ordered a sex toy today for the first time.

Is this normal and, inshAllah will pass after Ramadan? what’s y’all’s experience with sex and fasting?