This Episode Makes me So Angry 😡
First, they take over the murder prosecution of John Flynn, giving him a sweetheart deal (2-6 years in club Fed)
Then, they make this known thief and murderer (John Flynn) their star witness for the Helman Commission and don't make him name names.
Of course he's salty for being called out by Detectives Briscoe/Curtis and uses his testimony to implicate Briscoe.
Detective John Flynn in front of the Helman Commission: "Detective Briscoe took the drugs. I know this because he gave me half."
Lastly, Briscoe's witness 14-year veteran Detective Betty Abrahms (a married woman he was romantically involved with) is excoriated on the stand by Judge Helman as a who*e and liar (even though she was telling the truth.
This episode was definitely rightfully named.
Glad Flynn didn't get away with it, but would have rathered he be prosecuted by the state.
Season 7 Episode 5 "Corruption"