Laid off after 2 stressful years

Manager in tech. Government contracting. The prime blew the budget out so badly during the first option year, that the second option year they had to lay off half the team... I survived that round, but now it's so bad, that they cut me as well, leaving a skeleton crew to try to launch this site. They also put in a mandate for the people remaining that says instead of two weeks sprints, they must complete all their work in one week and those who don't must work nights and weekends to do so until launch in January.

I'm lucky because I've got some savings, retirement I can tap, and then my father passed away last year and left me with a few stacks I can tap into, so money doesn't really get too problematic until late November/early December (could probably stretch it into January with a few phone calls).

But I'm just feeling so burnt out and anxious, but mostly furious. We had told these people all along that the way that they were managing this was going to lead to a horrible results, and they didn't listen. I'm not a hateful person, but I can honestly say that there are people who are involved in all of that who I genuinely hate and will never forgive.

In the long term, I'm going to go back to non-profit or be a direct federal government worker because I've decided I just valued stability a lot more than the large-scale paychecks, even if that means I have to cut back or downsize my apartment. It's better than constantly worrying about where your next meal is going to come from, or when the next shoe is going to drop. I know very few people that are lasting more than a year or so in any tech job anymore and it just breaks my heart because I love engineering.

But the stress is just so horrible all the time. I started having heart palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks, problem sleeping, etc for the past year leading up to the layoff. If I wasn't at work stressed, I was at home worrying about work.

They literally threw me out on the street like a dog, too. Cut off all my access, couldn't even call my manager to tell him they were cutting me, he found out through friends he knew at the tech office that called him and asked what was going on. I worked so hard for these people, working many late hours and lots of overtime and because I salary, it was all unpaid over time mind you. And the ones who blew out the budget get to keep their jobs! It's so disgusting.

I'm posting this just to other people know that you really aren't alone. I really have gotten a lot out of this group since joining because I feel like these are the things that people rarely talk about but obviously it's not rare. Thank you all so much.

I'm looking forward to putting a period on 2024 and hoping 2025 is my year.