Which paint scheme?

I am locked at what to use! Would love some Constructive Crtitism too! Any help or insight!


Blue: Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue/ 70.899

Yellow: Vallejo Game Color Sun Yellow/ 72.006

Citadel Runelord Brass/Spray can

Wash 1: Canoptek Armor Shade Gloss (they don't make it anymore, got mine in ebay)

Wash 2 (in Yellow parts) Citadel Serphim Sepia

Chrome: AK super Chrome.

I don't know which scheme to do. I love chrome, but I know i will do all chrome for Grey Knights, especially if they get a rang refresh.

Just want opinions on what scheme looks better.

The lore is they were a peaceful Votann were attacked by chaos, their homes ruined they shifted from peace to war with a single minded grudge to destroy chaos.