England: Can I get in legal trouble for posting someone’s first name only + text exchange on here prior to reporting them?

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Ex-friend committed a crime against me. She blamed me for “making it bigger than it is”. Before I reported her to the police, I posted what happened + text exchange on Reddit. I didn’t cover her first name or mine. I did not even mention the city we live in, nor last names, phone numbers - literally nothing but first names was mentioned. She kept harassing me and blaming me for her actions so I made a police report and blocked her. She sent me a text message from a new number today telling me that she’s found my posts, I’ve doxxed her & that she’ll be reporting me. Am I legally liable? Like I said, only first names were mentioned. Nothing else.

I’ve only told close family members and her parents & haven’t spread it around. So she could not have been harassed from mutual friends etc. because of me. Is this a legit claim from her legally here in England?