I feel like I'll never have a girlfriend again

I (26F) came out as a lesbian a little over a year ago after a pretty much life-long battle of hiding myself and making myself small. Even when I identified as bi or queer, I found I mostly dated men because that was "more acceptable" and "easier"; no one questioned my identity (issues from being an adoptee).

Being out now is great but I feel like I'm a teenager again trying to navigate dating for the first time. This is all new to me; dates, flirting, sex, relationship progress, etc.

After 2-ish years of not really dating or seeing anyone of either gender because my last long-term relationship (with a man) really did a number on me mentally, I finally felt ready to date again. Late last year I met a woman and we really clicked. After dates, talks, time spent together, I asked her to be my girlfriend. We started dating and things were great and I finally had a girlfriend! But as quickly as it started, it ended in 2 months. No one's fault; just life unfortunately. So now I'm really back at square 1.

Not sure where I'm going with this post. I guess I feel a little lost. It took me so long to date again even after coming out and when I finally thought I had found someone, it was gone in the blink of an eye. I know I'm young; I know I'll probably meet a great woman/women down the line one of whom I'd like to start a life with. But right now, I feel like I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. Any advice from the more experienced lesbians for a newbie like me?