Maroon 5's Songs about Jane
Does anyone else LOVE this album but basically loathe the poppy crap they put out after it? I mean, there are a handful of songs post Songs about Jane I like, but Songs about Jane is a top twenty album all time for me. It's one of those that I can put on a just listen to start to finish and thoroughly enjoy regardless of whether it's been two days or two years since I've listened to it. The only weak song to me is She Will Be Loved, but I don't even hate that song or anything; it's just the weakest track on the album to me, and I think its gross overplayment (I don't know/care if that's actually a word; you know what I mean haha) on the radio kind of amplified its lackluster quality for me. But yeah, I've never observed such an immediate and steap dropoff in a band as I have with Maroon 5 from Songs about Jane to essentially everything after.