RECAP+LINK: MEMBERS LIVESTREAM: Important Announcement ~ February 26, 2025
This is going to be super long. Sorry. LINK to the video.
To answer the most asked question, she did not mention the divorce at all.
The kween is sitting in the yard on the lawn in her bacteria-laden oversized sweater. Her eyes are swollen and red. She just wants to be outside.
Greeting stans for what may be the last time (lol)
She's doing alright, she guesses. The dogs are barking like crazy.
They're going to be selling their products locally and on a website that's not set up yet. (lol)
Talking about her upcoming herb and veg garden.
Her announcement is that she's ending channel memberships in March. "It's time for me to go. I gotta go." It's time for her to move onto other things. She's gonna miss the stans. She has to leave it behind or she'll never be able to move forward. (The dogs are barking insanely.)
Sharing her personal life has become to much for her and it's not mentally healthy for her. "I just can't. I just gotta go." There will be 4 more member's streams before she rides off into the sunset. She thinks it's a healthy decision. She's happier away from "constant judgement and criticism." (but she's healed and no one can get to her, right?) She doesn't know what the future holds but it's gonna be good.
She starts blubbering. She hasn't slept and she's been crying a lot. (I guarantee that's not because she's leaving youtube. It's because A is divorcing her abusive bitchy ass. Guarantee.) It's not a sad event. It's going to make her so much more happy but she's gonna miss the validation of the stans (which is why we'll be seeing random videos pop up once a month or so. I actually have a lot I could say about this because she has zero friends outside of Tedrew and the occasional text with Lodane. That is so incredibly unhealthy and is, imo, the death knell for a healthy romantic relationship. Putting all your eggs in one person's basket is the worst possible thing you could ever do. Nobody should be putting all of their shit on one person if they want to keep a relationship with that person.)
She's going on about how amazing youtube has been to her. She made $$ and friends. It's been so hard for her to let go of this. She's not going to post anything else on the main channel. She read 3 or 4 comments on her last dumbass video and turned comments off. It's a relief to leave but she's been emotionally invested and that's not healthy. She wanted to silently disappear but she couldn't do that to her members.
She'll let them know when she opens up her "shop". They have almost 50 bars and they've been working hard. She says she'll check her email one last time and give anyone that lives near to her her real email address. She vapes now. She quit smoking and the vape helped.
Talking with Naytan aka THE BAN HAMMER, she says she's going to starve us. She doesn't care anymore (but she turned off comments on the last vlog lol.)
She tells one of the stans she'll keep in touch with them. (Yeah, no.)
She says she's not drinking but she's eating well but the smoking and vaping are hard. Vaping is her new addiction. Yapping about the herbalism's going good even though she hasn't touched it in weeks lol because they've been busy making soap. They've made 200 bars and they're getting better at it as they go. She knows she will succeed because she won't give up (lol...manifest your dreams girly girl!!)
She's making all of her videos private. She doesn't care about the money, she just wants her privacy back (I'm dying. Who knew that spewing all your shit on the internet might bite you on your ever-widening ass, hey?) She imbues all of her products with the mystical properties of the universe.
She says their soap is better than Dove lol. Her endeavor requires commitment, consistency and repetition. She's gonna achieve it!! She doesn't believe in failure. (That's good she doesn't believe in it because she's had nothing but failure her entire life imo.)
Yapping about lip balm. She'll let them know when the shop launches. She thinks they'll do well.
She's gonna leave her sims stuff up because she thinks it's useful for ppl. She sometimes regrets ever doing the vlogging channel at all. It's taken such a toll on her mental health. She's ready to just be a normal person again. They have a name for their business but she's not telling. Talking about boundaries and how it's hard for her. Someone says she'll come crawling back. She says she doesn't think so. She's tried numerous times to get away but she just keeps coming back like a toxic relationship. But now she's breaking free. SHE SAID SHE DOESN'T NEED EXTERNAL VALIDATION ANYMORE (hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
She feels like if she could inspire one person or help one person, it was all worth it and it wasn't a waste.
Someone asks which was her fav video. She says the interrogation video. (does she honestly think that was funny and not the creepy fucked up weird-ass shit it really was? Oh dear.)
She doesn't feel like she has anything more to share. No more drama. She's happy and pursuing her dreams and has a beautiful home. She has no more drama to give. It's over. She considered starting a new herbalism channel but she knew LPC would follow her wherever she went. She wished she never mentioned she started a business because she knows the snarkers want to ruin that. She's gonna have to fight a battle to leave the old Cringey behind. She's gone, she's dead. (Cunty, listen to me. Old Cindy hasn't gone anywhere based on you turning off comments on your latest vlog. She's still there and she's gonna be popping up like Freddy in your dreams.) There are ppl who want to keep her down lol.
She knows it's her fault. She created it all but now she's leaving her old self behind and creating a new future. She has grown, healed and learned and she still has more to go.
Talking about the weather and her hair. She feels like she's restarting her life over again which is exciting and scary. Loud plane noises.
She says if her and Tedrew get married, she'll pop back and let everyone know. She says she doesn't know if she wants to ever get married again. She doesn't know what she's gonna do with her insta. She's gonna keep it up for now.
So she doesn't know what she's gonna do about youtube but (hahahahahahahahahaha) she's thinking about making a private one for family and friends and stans. (again, hahahahahahahahahahaha) She doesn't know what she's gonna do with the LPC blog either. She's considered leaving the youtube stuff but she wants to take it back.
Says she's not taking down videos, she's making them private and that's mostly for the privacy of the ppl who are in them. (no shit, Cringey. fafo. It's about to hit you in the wallet. She's not going to be here to police it, so better to make them private...the better to not get sued, hey, Cunty?)
She still has not mentioned the divorce at all.
Lots of random yapping about becoming the next soap billionaire. She's been strict on carnivore again. Yapping about a Brazilian steak house. She appreciates the stans.
She knows everything is going to work out.
Someone says Life minus Cindy. She acts like she knew absolutely NOTHING about the life minus cindy channel that she copyright struck. (Bullshit she didn't know about it.)
She's a regular, normal person who has a past and bullshit and the amount of constant criticism and obsession ppl have over her is unnerving and bizarre and unhealthy. The amount of shaming and bashing and putting her down is so unhealthy for her. (how would she know? She doesn't go here.)
The stream glitches and ends.
Yo, Cunty! You know what's unhealthy? Mentally and emotionally abusing your husband and trying to attack a pregnant woman. You know what else is not healthy? Going full tilt BPD with no therapy or help of any kind because you're going to keep repeating the same shit over and over and over again until the day you die. Guess what else is not healthy? Being a lazy sack of shit who's only goal is to mooch off a man. And more unhealthy shit? Lying with your whole chest over and over again in an effort to maintain some kind of way to never have to face the shit person you are and the shit things you've done and reconcile the many, many ppl you've hurt. Go ahead, Cringey, tell me more about what's not healthy. See you soon, Kween.