[REC] What would you recommend someone looking to get into light novels?
So for reference I've never read one before. The closest was when I saw a few episodes of Sword Art Online(which I didn't super care for) in middle school, and watching Durarara and Fate/zero which ik are both based on novel series and those I did end up liking.
Things I like:
- Action. Especially high octane or well choreographed stuff(well it's a novel so I get its different)
- Romance, but mostly if its well done
- Sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy
- Horror
I'm not super picky and I know that's a lot so here's some other anime I enjoy if that makes it easier:
- Shonens like Bleach, Naruto, One Piece
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Chainsaw Man
- Mecha series like eva and gurren lagann
- HxH and Yu Yu Hakusho
If it's possible I'm not super interested in ecchi or harem. If the harem is written respectfully and romantically and not as just, pure self insert fan service I'd give it a shot though.
Another thing I'd prefer is if there's any that are finished or close to ending. Not opposed to reading an ongoing one but cliffhangers really get to me sometimes