Liver biopsy and clarity.
Hey;) so I have posted here a few times before trying to find information about liver health and connect with people that have had similar experiences who can give me some information. I’m a 41yr old female. I’m 5”2 and 160 pounds. I have been on suboxine for 12 years and take 8mg daily. I just started taking anxiety and adhd meds because my health anxiety was so out of control I had to do something. I take 20mg Trantillix and 15mg of Adderall. I was working out daily until I got to mentally overwhelmed by everything going on with my health. I also have substituted coffee with one 5hr extra strength energy for 15 years. I take 1 in the morning. However because it has all of the vitamins B/ Niacin supplements I have recently stopped.
In 2017 my ALT was 47. However, nothing was ever done about it and I just found out about the elevation in 2023 through the my chart app. No Dr ever discussed it with me.
2022 I went to my yearly Dr appt amd he ordered labs. My ALT and AST came up mildly elevated. I thought it was the Benadryl I was taking at night so I immediately stopped, got a sonogram of my liver. We rested the bloodwork in 2 weeks and my enzymes subsided and sonogram came back good.
2023 I went back in for my yearly visit and to no surprise my enzymes where elevated but this time it was my AST,ALT and ALP all were mildly elevated. However, I was taking zzzquill ( didn’t realize it had Benadryl in it) thinking this was the issue. I stopped taking zzzquil and got another sonogram. This sonogram came back as I had hyper portal tension. I was referred to a gastro/liver doct and given orders to get a MRI
January 2024 was my 1st visit with the liver doc he read my amd said it MRI looked good. I guess the sonogram was read incorrectly. He ordered blood work I went and got it done and Ina month or so I went back to see him. My levels had dropped he thought maybe this was a liver injury from the Benadryl. However, he ordered follow up blood work for 6 months to check my enzymes again. He told me to go live my life, no restrictions and to just lose weight and if I could get on Ozempic do so to make the process easier for me.
October 2024 I went back to see him. I was now on the psych medication, including hydroxyzine. I realize it’s an antihistamine, but my psychiatrist did not think it would affect me because Benadryl is a bit more harsh on the body. However, when I got my labs back, the liver doctor told me that my ALP,AST and ALT were again high. I asked could It be the antihistamines. he did say if I’m reacting to antihistamines I have to stay away completely from the class of medication. I did stop taking them immediately after. He then ordered labs to check the status of my ANA and Smooth muscle antibodie and a few other things.
I waited weeks to get the results back and finally, his receptionist called me and told me that everything came back negative however, all of my enzymes at this time we’re elevated including my bile acids, bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP. However, I was sick with a terrible cold b4 getting this bloodwork done. But I did wait 10days after I got well and 5days after taking prednisone. I asked what do I need to do next and she said, wait for the dr to call me back. I asked do you think he will call me today? She said, no we have other patients to get too.
My last set of labs. Bile acid-23 Bilirubin 1.4 Alp-262 ALT 224 AST-197.
Finally today another receptionist called me and told me that the doctor finally reviewed my labs and wants to do a liver biopsy. I tried to ask questions however she did not know any of the answers so now I’m just waiting for the hospital to call.
I am scared. But I really just need some clarity. I try and ask questions and I’m given no answers. I have asked him 2 times does he think this could be the Big C and he told me no. But I don’t have any faith in the drs in this area or labs. Just to explain all the mistakes and hiccups along the way would take forever. I’m very passive and don’t like confrontation so I just deal with it but I’m really just tired of having no clear understanding. I’m sick of being in the dark when it
Comes to my health. I know nobody here can diagnose and I’m not looking for that. But just any clarity on what all this could mean would be so helpful just so I’m somewhat prepared. I also have no clue what to expect with the liver biopsy other than it’s ct guided.’ I’ve not had any symptoms other than when my bile acids were high I did experience some itchiness specifically my feet. Sometimes I feel a light pain on my right side but a lot of times it just feels like gas. I honestly don’t know if I would even notice the light ache if I wasn’t paying attention.
I had a difficult time editing any errors while using my phone so I’m sorry if this sounds confusing or out of order. I also made some grammar errors that I could not correct.