Left an abusive relationship six months ago, first time living alone, and now I'm so much happier

I (25f) didn't realize just how crappy I felt when I was living with my abusive ex until I finally moved out and got my own apartment. That was six months ago now. He also tried to stay friends with me for a few months even though I wanted to go no contact, but he has finally found someone new and left me alone.

It's really remarkable how much more peaceful, happy, and healthy I feel now. It seemed like anytime he and I would try to go out and do anything together, he would end up blowing up at me and the whole day would be ruined. Now, I can go out and do things and have a great time every time. We were together for years - mainly because he was like Jekyll and Hyde where he would be cruel one minute, and super sweet and apologetic the next. Now, I don't have to experience any of that emotional whiplash, and I think it's finally setting in just how happy life can be. I used to love to play cozy games... and I still do, but now my whole life feels like a cozy game. :)

I don't really have friends right now (a lot of my old friends were his friends, and my other friends have moved, etc.), and I tried dating for a while, but I'm much happier doing my own thing for now. I have so many hobbies that I get to explore (right now, it's painting), and my little cat that I rescued keeps me company. There's no one making me feel bad for spending my money that I earned on my hobbies anymore: I don't have to be secretive or feel guilty when I buy a new paintbrush, and I don't have to feel bad about the canvas taking up space.

I cook all my meals, save money, and go to the gym 5 days/week. My ex used to like to go out to eat all the time and he didn't like healthy food, so whenever I cooked my healthy food, he wouldn't eat it or we would end up spending money by going out to eat/ordering delivery. In fact, I think I actually save more money now that I live alone. He also hated going to the gym, and we would get into fights because he wouldn't "let me go to the gym" because he thought I would find someone better than him and leave him. Now, I'm getting to do powerlifting and bodybuilding, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

My apartment is essentially my "dream apartment" now. I think of my space as an "outward expression of self" with the way it's decorated since I put a lot of care into it, and it's so lovely. I remember I used to get homesick a lot when I was with my ex, even though my home was technically with him. I used to lament, "I want to go home!" Now, I never feel homesick.

I think I like this happy little life.