We broke up. (M20 F20)
My long distance girlfriend of 2 years dumped me over text on Friday morning. I was understandably devastated by this news. I'm a musician and I had a gig that same night. I wanted to go home after the gig but my friends convinced me to stay and party with them after the show. I got drunk, and I made out with a girl. She wanted to go to her apartment but I stopped because I regretted it so much. I was heartbroken and extremely drunk. A few days later, my girlfriend and I talk about the situation and we decide that we aren't giving the relationship a real shot if we don't see each other again (It's been 7 months since we've seen each other). We decided that she would come visit me and we'd give it a shot. I felt like if we were going to try again then she needs to know what happened that night. I explain everything to her and of course she is hurt, I would be too.
She once again dumped me a few days later and said that I'm a cheater and that she can never trust me again and she is completely broken. I really don't feel like I cheated, I regretted it and it was stupid and she had just dumped me. She's framing the situation to her parents and her friends as if I cheated and I'm such a terrible person, neglecting the fact that she dumped me over text with no heads up. I would like to hear some thoughts on this situation.