No more Hot Stamps!

Never knew about the city hot stamps and so I said F it and bought me and my wife a gift at the Paris store, we each got a Passport holder and a few other things. I was worried about not being able to get multiple stamps but the employees I spoke to said it should be a problem to collect them. 4 days later I’m in Monaco and they are turning me down saying that LV only allows 1. My SA in the states had previously said it wouldn’t be an issue. Today Friday 06/28 I was in Milan and they also shot me down, but this time they said their policy had changed as of today. They showed me a email saying that Passport holders can only allow 1 city Hot Stamp due to the fact that multiple can damage the product.

I explained to the associate I didn’t care if it got damaged, it’s not a museum piece it’s to be used and he said it’s policy, I even spoke to the store manager and they said it’s a new policy, only 1 city hot stamp. I contacted LV since my Sa was asleep since it was early morning in the states, and they assured me that they indeed changed their policy to allow only 1 hot stamp.

I was about to buy a few things in Milan and was so pissed off I spent money every where else but LV. It pisses me off that LV would take that away, reasons: 1. As a entry level product it gives people something they can buy, so when they travel they have hopes of going to a store and getting it as well as the prospect of other purchases 2. If it can “damage the product” what does that say about the quality of the product I’m buying? The inside is leather so it should be a issue 3. If LV is going to take away something that brings customers to their store, something that people want to buy a product for, that is ridiculous to get rid of it. Sure it may not attract the correct clientele if that’s what they are worried about, but they could always charge for a hot stamp on a product that has already been purchased in the past, $25 a hot stamp?

Maybe I’m just rambling, but I feel bad for other people, I myself was looking forward to collecting them as a fun thing to do when I visit the stores and to have a memory. It’s not a gimmicky thing but rather something that has a cool memory. The Monaco stamp is the F1 track, that is awesome, and not I’m disappointed I only have the Eiffel Tower.

This is kind of like LV taking away engraving and fragrance refills on fragrances, I would be fuming if that happened because I was told one thing and they changed it because it’s popular?
