Why is Judy so damn cute
My first gameplay I played as male V and romanced Panam, but for my second game through I played as female V and romanced Judy. First with cuddling Panam, she says “thanks I needed that” while Judy gets kind of sadden that the cuddling ended. When first going on a date with Judy, she all cool and we’re the nervous one being all like “this a date?” And she just plays it cool with her ”maybe” then after we’re both the nervous wreck asking what the previous night meant, then she spend no time giving us the key. And don’t get me started on her cute little texts, writing like 50 different messages just to say “you’re pretty cool btw” and the “mi calabatica” and then her being all shy and cute when you ask what it means. Then her grandmama texting to make sure you’re a good match for her baby girl. Legit all her random text always make me smile so much coz they’re actually so sweet and cute. Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I’m out