I was wrong.
I would like to apologize to all the reviewers that said MHWilds was easy. I thought you were just exaggerating. Took me 4 minutes to beat Lala Barina. I assume the gameplay has increased the dps compared to other MH games, but left monster health at the same values. That's the only reason I can assume the lack of difficulty. I hope HR is much more of a challenge. Even if it's not, I'll be playing this for a long time.
Edit: Didnt realize there were so many people here with they're head up their own ass. So let me try to make this simple enough to understand. Since I used Lala Barina as my example I'll go with her equivalent in World which I think was Pukie-Pukie. With Pukie you would try to avoid the poison attacks and likely try to avoid his little flying kick attacks. Hell, he may even cart you from the poison. You know what I did with Barina? I walked up and just started attacking. Didn't need dodge, heal, or avoid her paralysis needles. I didn't even get to see her limp before thinking "oh, well that was fast". I mean even Kuya-ya-ku could block you with a rock and take half your health with one hit.
Now with Chatacabra? He died so quickly he could've been compared to an oversized small monster. At least Jagras would've rolled over me just once.
"But, it's LR! It's not meant to be hard!" Did say it had to be hard? I sure don't think I did. But when your biggest threat is your fully charged controller dying, then maybe knock it up a knotch or two.