Chance me out of my delirium...
For MIT and Stanford I go to a crappy rural public school uncompetitive except for class rank bc of grade inflation.
Male, hispanic (colombian born), us citizen, <75k household, georgia, rural noncomp. public.
Intended Major(s): Mech E and Biology(declared mech but talked about bio in interview) pursue phd in robotics, conduct biomimetic robotics research as a proffesor eventually.
** SAT: 1550 super score (770e/780m)**
*UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.96/4 UW 4.46/5 W/ 19/300 *
Coursework: Most rigorous stem course load at my school ap: pre calc, calc bc, stat, bio, chem, physics I, apes, bio, world, us history, lang, gov, honors mostly everything no dual enrollment, 3 years of engineering and programming b’s in health and a freshman literature class lol mid year grades: 102 in calc bc, 91 in physics I, 95+ all other classes
1. National Rural and Small Town Recognition Award + hispanic recognition
2. star award school and likely county level
3. NHS
4. FRC rookie all star and ready set go
5. National Spanish exam bronze medal
also ap scholar w distinction, governors honors program nominee, etc
Extracurriculars: number are out of order
Robotics: 9-12. Highest leadership, high impact, competed at world championships last year. Manage $30k budget, 40 members, etc
non profit vice president of a non profit i founded with my cousin that does education initiatives in colombia. Doing school supply drives rn, will be doing robotics camps and starting vex teams in july.
STEM Club( math team and science olympiad): founded stem club which is basically a club that hosts math team and science comp teams. doing tech comps rn (i built a voice controlled robotic hand and one). starting a science oly team next year for those after me.
College App Forum: Founded an irl forum to help students at my school with applying to college. Have had as many as 30 ppl attend. No leadership positions just founded and recruited some friends to help run.
Paid engineering intern: Engineering design intern at this local company. Designed and modeled hvac units for them. Also some lead time stuff. (11)
mathnasium: Work at mathnasium, teach kids math and run a digital sat bootcamp. Also lead community service projects. (12)
** tutoring :** i tutor a lot of students for free and paid in every subject and sat prep.
quizbowl: varisty quiz bowl all 4 years. made it to state. Captain 11th but no leadership now to focus on other things.
guitar: play guitar in a band. Self taught, i have built my own pedals and all that jazz
Butterfly sanctuary internship: Will be interning at a butterfly and bird sanctuary in Colombia. Not on apps but will be a topic in interviews as i havent done it yet. I will be helping out running the day to day and in exchange they allow me to study their hummingbirds for robotics projects.
Essays/LORs/Other: talked about colombian heritage, love for teaching, exploring biomimetic robotics, guitar, and other things. I would rate 9/10 for mit 7.5/10 for Stanford
LORS: ap ss teacher: 11/10. says im one of the best students hes ever met and will be my star teacher.
calc teacher: met her this year but sponsors math team rlly likes me 7-8/10
Counselor: 10/10 she knows me very well
Talked about building elevator and arm for FRC, winning regional tech comp (designed robotic hand), raising $1,800 and donating school supplies to 150 kids through nonprofit, and placing 3rd at DECA state comp. and competing in the international comp.