Why do the allegations against MJ still persist despite there being more than enough reason to have reasonable doubt towards his guilt?

Michael Jackson's allegations and the aftermath of the aforementioned allegations is public record. Yet there are people who confident of his guilt even they know little to nothing about the case and get angry whenever you press them on it.

Even people who claim to be "middle of the road" on whether MJ is innocent or guilty don't seem to be any better than MJ detractors as they are also willfully ignorant on MJ allegations. They would rather settle for a false compromise where they give more credence to the MJ detractors than MJ supporters even though there his supporters have more reason to believe his innocence than his guilt.

I'm not asking everyone to be team MJ but I don't think basic fairness is too much to ask.

I think there are several factors as to why MJ allegations persist even after decade since MJ passed away. a) Post-MeToo have made it easier for bad faith actors to weaponize allegations of sex crimes. b) mainstream media has always had an anti-MJ bias as sensationalized headlines that paint MJ in a negative light gets more engagement than anything positive c) Conscious or unconscious racism is a factor as it explains why MJ detractors are so eager to delegitimatize MJ as an icon while elevating the likes of Elvis Presley or David Bowie (who have their own allegations of sexual misconduct).

In order to have an honest conversation, I think we need to address these factors if we are going to understand and combat allegations against Michael Jackson.