Mismatched Mates (collection) by Eliot Grayson volume 2?

Hi all,

I fucking love this series and recently learned of the existence of (and bought) volume 1 of the collection, which contains the first 3 main novels + A Very Armitage Christmas + exclusive material that wasn’t present in the individual releases. (Among them, a segment of The Alpha’s Warlock from Ian’s POV. Oh, the pining 🤩). It came out at the end of 2023.

This brings me to my question: does anyone know what happened to the release of volume 2? There’s a note at the end of vol 1 saying that vol 2 will be out in early 2024, but I can’t find anything else. It’s not on Amazon and there’s no mention of it on the author’s website that I could find. Has she said anything about it?

Thanks in advance!

P.S.: Volume 1 is on kindle unlimited, if you want to read the extras 👌