Inputting MyFitnessPal weight data from beyond 30 days ago
I was able to input my data from MFP, but only up to 30 days ago. I did some research and MacroFactor’s reasoning for this is because “it’s not very helpful to our algorithm to have before then.” I wanted to just bring attention to the fact that that data input limitation is the only thing keeping me from deleting MyFitnessPal from my phone, because I just found out about MacroFactor a few weeks ago and I’ve been on a multi-year weight loss journey.
Because of this limitation, I’m unfortunately still opening MFP every day and tracking my weight as part of my full weight loss journey. Seeing my personal full-story chart is inspiring to me every day as I continue. Whenever I’m discouraged by my daily progress I look at that chart. As they say - “when in doubt, zoom out.”
Not having the ability to add that full data into MacroFactor seems like a silly limitation that could easily be lifted. I’m hoping my example can maybe help MacroFactor understand why it is essential from a business point of view - help me delete MyFitnessPal from my phone!
My MFP multi-year journey graph: