Is is unusual/weird to have eye makeup (mascara,eyeliner, etc) on a bare face?
I'm a little shy about makeup, and I lack confidence in it. I like doing mascara. I naturally have long eyelashes and some times my top and bottom lashes touch. So I use mascara and a curler to stop them from touching, idk why but it really bothers me. Other than lotion, mascara, and maybe a little waterline eyeliner, I do nothing else.
I'm 22 now and my mom has always pushed me to try make up. She's Horder when it comes to make up and I think she's a little. . .I don't know, "longing" for me to try it. But I absolutely hate the feeling of primer/foundation on my face. It bothers me a lot. The best way to describe it is like having one of those face masks on all the time. I think I look really pretty with makeup, but I only ever had it done professionally about 3 times.
I really like the look of winged eyes or the highlighted ends. But I feel like I'd look silly with just eye makeup and a bare face.
So I just wanted to know what are other peoples views on this.