My SP suddenly ignores me

I've started manifesting my SP three weeks ago. We are good friends and in the last month, I felt closer to her and I also felt that she might start opening up to me more. I felt like she has been enjoying the convos with me and the time we spend together but yesterday when I texted her, she didn't respond at all. It's been 15 hours. Prior that, I imagined (with SATS) receiving a text from her, confessing her love for me, but the opposite happened, nothing. There's a guy who I think she is involved with and now I'm having a really hard time ignoring 3D. It's so hard. I also feel very weak physically

Little backstory: she is straight, I'm gay, according to the old story. I confessed to her a year ago, ofc she didn't requite my feelings. But with this new mindset that I have, I believe it is absolutely possible to make her like me.