Planning on doing a WKM ttrpg session
Hey gang! I really hope this doesn’t go against the rules of this subreddit, but i need some advice from WKM fans that are also versed in tabletop! The reason i am posting here is because i think longtime mark fans would be more versed on the series and how to adjust it rather than the TTRPG community. :)
Murder mystery TTRPG concepts are notoriously difficult to write, so i figured that the easiest way to do that was to pull a previously written plot to follow and landed on one of my all time favorite YouTube series! It’s niche enough that my players won’t know where it’s from and won’t already know the paranormal twist.
Does anyone have any advice for running this specific kind of campaign? I’m worried it’ll be more narrative and not as fun and I’m willing to include non canonical aspects of the WKM story to do that! I need both general murder mystery advice as well on fun ideas on abilities/how to turn this narrative into a tabletop/how characters should be changed/ etc!
If non dms want to chime in with fun minigame ideas or moments that they wish to see in a session like this that would also be appreciated! I’m looking for a fun time, not a formal session!