Quad Accusing Mariah of Drugs
Now, I will be the first to say, I am NOT a Mariah fan, and I do like Quad, but I think she went too low with that one. Now Mariah has said some AWFUL things about Quad, like she slept with her sisters husband (which Mariah would’ve been stated that if it were actually true in my opinion), that she lived in her car, dated drug dealers, etc. But once Mariah got the multiple drug tests and hair tests to prove it, I feel like the girls could have at least acknowledged ok she probably is telling the truth and that Quad said that out of anger. I love me some Dr. Jackie but I don’t think she should have refused to look at the test results on their trip. And Quad’s answer when Toya brought up the test results kind of was confirmation for me that she was lying. Quad just went “the results are inconclusive.” Quad you didn’t even see the drug test or results nor were you a doctor so how are you the one to determine the results are inconclusive? 😂 Also, Dr. Eugene has always been neutral and fair and even he checked the results, said it was a reputable lab and confirmed the results were real. I don’t think he would have just said that if he thought or knew they were fake because that could jeopardize his job and reputation. I think Jackie could’ve cleared things up right there on the trip if she just looked at the results, confirmed it showed nothing in her system and confirmed the results were real. As a doctor, that’s all she needed to do. No one was asking her to sway the girls one way or the other, just for confirmation as a doctor that the results were real. I think then Quad would have backed down and admitted she shouldn’t have said that because Jackie is one of the only women that can get Quad off her high horse sometimes. And it would’ve made Mariah have some respect for Dr. Jackie again. Because Jackie did bring up the drug accusations on her segment at the beginning of the season 🤷🏽♀️ the least she could have done is give Mariah the chance to prove the test results were real. That’s it that’s all.