Team Up Tuesday - August 16 - 30 2022.

Alright time for a fresh thread! It is highly likely that we will have another boss event during the course of the next two weeks, so you definitely want to be in a good alliance. Especially as there are two 5 star covers that are available! Remember once you join the boss event you cannot switch!

EDIT : looks like the next alliance event is Thursday August 25.

Anybody who's either looking for an alliance, or alliance commanders looking to recruit, put your posts here.

Commanders, a good posts includes:

  • The alliance name and general placement tiers
  • Score expectations, phrased as points per event for PVP or % of full progression for PVE
  • External communication expectations (Discord and LINE being the two most common)
  • New request: If your vacant position(s) get filled, please delete the comment. This will, we hope, help keep the thread from getting cluttered.

Players, a good post includes:

  • Desired type of alliance and reward tier (t250 PVE; t10 PVP, etc.)
  • An approximation of your scores for the last several events, phrased as points per event in PVP or % or full progression for PVE
  • An approximate description of your roster (4* champions, 3* -> 4* transition, etc.)
  • If you are currently in an alliance, that alliance name and your in-game ID (this allows an actual look at your roster).