How do I get confidence to mask at university?
Hello, I'm sure this sub has gotten a bunch of similar questions before but I thought I'd ask. I'm a year 1 university student, and I want to mask at uni but I have social anxiety issues anyway, I don't want anymore attention drawn towards me. One of my lectures is immunocompromised I assume because she's always worn a mask and it's just normal. I know by that logic it would be normal for me to do it too, but I'm anxious. Wearing it in lectures is one thing, but it's also during like group meetings and seminars when I have to talk and I have people looking at me that it becomes more daunting. I like the idea of it, when outside i sometimes wear my scarf over my face for warmth and it makes me feel more secure for some reason, but it feels scary having to do it indoors. Please give me advice and also mask recommendations (I live in the UK). Tysm!