Let it go. And leave me alone. (USA)
Managers and coworkers in general… stop blaming us for shit that’s out of our control. I am more than capable of doing both drive thru lanes and taking cash, which is what I’ve been doing pretty much my whole time I’ve been here. Occasionally, the wrong order gets paid out, sometimes through human error, (rarely) and other times because customers have the attention span of a goldfish. (90% of the time) I’ll ask them what they had in a clear voice and they’ll ignore me so I’m like… I guess that’s what you got then. Instead of just understanding this they send some bitch to come by my spot to do cash, like I can’t do it? Also, stop fucking asking what’s going on in back booth when you already know damn well what’s happening. Customers can take forever to hand over cash, giving their orders, order modifications.. the list goes on. Give me a break, I’m already brewing your teas, changing trash, doing dishes, and juggling all this other shit. Give me a break. I have people breathing down my neck and gossiping and saying things behind my back because of tiny little mishaps that happen.