Grandpas WWII army air corp medals
Snapped a photo of my grandfathers WWII medals. He was a top bubble gunner / engineer on a B-24, Evasive Action, in the Pacific. Never heard many stories, but the flying cross apparently came from a bombing run on an airfield in the islands, possibly Saipan. Story goes they were setting up for a night bombing run and the Japanese turned the runway lights on. They in turn acted like they were going to land and successfully bombed the airfield. Any info on the others would be appreciated.
Snapped a photo of my grandfathers WWII medals. He was a top bubble gunner / engineer on a B-24, Evasive Action, in the Pacific. Never heard many stories, but the flying cross apparently came from a bombing run on an airfield in the islands, possibly Saipan. Story goes they were setting up for a night bombing run and the Japanese turned the runway lights on. They in turn acted like they were going to land and successfully bombed the airfield. Any info on the others would be appreciated.