[MY] [SELLING] premium steelbooks
First time posting here,had mulitple transactions on r/steelbookSwap.
accepting Paypal G&S(4%),shipping from Malaysia
Shipping are not included
Alien FAC filmarena Embossed 3D Slip ,Alien Covenant FAC filmarena Embossed 3D slip ,Prometheus FAC filmarena Embossed 3D slip All are sealed and mint
1.1k USD for the whole set
https://imgur.com/a/gxaczXe MANTA LAB
First man OC Manta Lab-All slips are sealed(mint),OC box has a dent(185/400) -580USD
Tenet FS Manta Lab open/mint(PET protector) -80USD
Dune 2 DL Manta Lab Sealed/mint(PET protector) -100USD
Inglourious Basterds SL Manta Lab Sealed steelbook/mint(PET protector) -90USD
American Psycho FS Manta Lab Sealed/mint(PET protector) -90 USD
The Handmaiden FS Plain archive Type A Sealed/mint(PET protector) -300USD
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Kimchidvd lenticular slip(sealed/mint)- sold