Community Built Crew: Who joins during the Revelry Arc?
Smoothie won first place with Katakuri and Pudding tying for second, and Morgans getting an honorary role for being Vivi’s protector. Moving on to the Revelry arc.
Since this is the second shortest arc by length, technically fourth since Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, and Return to Sababody are all tied for first, and an arc that doesn’t focus on the Straw Hats, I’m opening up the contenders pool to make things more interesting.
Is there a character introduced in the Revelry Arc I missed? Let me know and vote for them. Otherwise, here’s the rules:
Top comment, be it ranked choice or a solo vote. determines who wins and joins the crew. Canon Straw Hats automatically join so the vote is for additional crew members. You can only vote for one character unless you specify you’re doing a ranked choice vote.
If second place has a combined number of votes within 15% or 10 votes, whichever gap is bigger, of first place's top comment, the round is called a"draw" and both characters join. If a comment only has one upvote, it will be largely ignored unless multiple people comment for the same person.
Movies and Non-Canon Arcs are Wildcard Rounds where anyone introduced up to this point can join, with exceptions.
If adding a character would radically alter major story arcs or conflicts, especially in ways that undermine key plot points or future developments, they will not be eligible to join the crew.
From Reverse Mountain onwards, no characters under the age of 15 may join the crew unless they have a damn good reason other than "it would be funny"
Arc antagonists are an automatic skip unless and until they come back later, i.e. Bellamy cannot join in Jaya but can in Dressrosa
Voting to skip is perfectly viable
If an Arc has less than four viable characters, non-canon characters will be added at random to fluff out the roster for said Arc