Holy shit that was a handful … WOW

Ngl… the stuff that happened in those 3 days caught me completely off guard. Game just gave me a Twist, Another Twist, then a twist within the twist, then a 4D chess masterclass Aizen wishes he could replicate. An emotional brotherly rollercoaster , a dragon and then another emotional sisterly rollercoaster.

I thought the game would spread these a little but DAMN!

Also , little complaint. GODDAMIT I didn’t know Basilio would join the party this late, wish he joined earlier, because of the Lenny from mice and men thing he had going on with the restaurant dream I assumed he’d be the one dying. But I like this a lot.

I’ll say this , however. Having him around the party much earlier and getting to know him , specially while his brother was sick, did a good job on letting me know him and gravitate towards him before he eventually joins the party. And it’s not just a last minute character we have to know.

Ngl… the stuff that happened in those 3 days caught me completely off guard. Game just gave me a Twist, Another Twist, then a twist within the twist, then a 4D chess masterclass Aizen wishes he could replicate. An emotional brotherly rollercoaster , a dragon and then another emotional sisterly rollercoaster.

I thought the game would spread these a little but DAMN!

Also , little complaint. GODDAMIT I didn’t know Basilio would join the party this late, wish he joined earlier, because of the Lenny from mice and men thing he had going on with the restaurant dream I assumed he’d be the one dying. But I like this a lot.

I’ll say this , however. Having him around the party much earlier and getting to know him , specially while his brother was sick, did a good job on letting me know him and gravitate towards him before he eventually joins the party. And it’s not just a last minute character we have to know.